Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Key that is Connection

I had been trying to find the words what I was looking for and now I think I've found it.  For the last few months something has felt a little different but I just couldn't figure it out.  I feel like I've learned a lot.  Some I learned through reading a couple books, some through interactions with people, some through personal reflections, and some through just trying to be still before the Lord.

One of the big realizations that I have come to is that I many times all that I want is connection.  I want to connect with other people, and I want others to feel a connection with me.  For that reason, I'll do something with the intention of making them laugh, or making them think, or just trying to bond with others.

And it's an interesting thing this life.  I'm still learning about a lot about myself, relationships, and the most important relationship in (and out) of this life: the one with God.

I think my words have just evaporated, so this post is a little shorter than normal.  I hope it'll do for now.  We'll see what is in store for next time.  Just know that there are a lot of colors on the horizon and it's only getting brighter even in this dark world.

Oh, and Happy Easter!

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